Here’s Childish Gambino on ‘Conan’

Childish Gambino performed on “Conan” last night, and I’m getting really tired of calling Donald Glover Childish Gambino. I understand perfectly well that that’s his stage name for his musical career, but it’s not like he’s Batman. He’s right there on stage, not wearing a mask. I can see that he’s successful actor Donald Glover rapping about sex. “No! When he’s wearing a hoodie, he’s Childish Gambino!” All right, whatever.

Anyway, video of his performance of “Heartbeat” is below. It’s got a dirty-ass beat that sounds like The Gap Band’s “You Dropped a Bomb on Me,” and it contains the notable diss “He just a fake dude who blog in all caps.” HOW DARE YOU, SIR. THIS IS HOW I EXPRESS MYSELF.