Let’s All Laugh At Nick Cannon Getting Booed At A New York Knicks Game

Nick Cannon showed up at an April 2nd New York Knicks game with America’s Got Talent as a publicity stunt, not to endlessly promote his new album for once, but for an upcoming promo in which he was supposed to fake “the million dollar” trick shot.

The crowd was instructed to “go crazy” and well, the crowd kind of went crazy.  The only problem was it wasn’t  in the way that they were probably hoping for. The resulting fiasco is just absolutely glorious.

If I can pinpoint what went horribly awry here, it’s probably when they asked Nick Cannon to interrupt a sporting event for a publicity stunt, featuring Nick Cannon, that rabid sports fans spent a substantial chunk of hard-earned dollars to attend. And yes, I probably could’ve just stopped at Nick Cannon, but I feel like Nick Cannon should figure into this equation at least twice.

God, can you even imagine what would happen if they pulled this crap in Philadelphia? We throw batteries at people and snowballs at Santa Claus. At SANTA! I can only imagine what the City of Brotherly Love would do to Nick Cannon.

(Via The Daily Dot)