Meet The 6 Super Fans Who Won Walk-On Roles On 'Arrested Development'

Back in October, Danger wrote about the Arrested Development walk-on contest, which he described as:

You create some sort of Arrested Development-related thingy (video, artwork, essay, LEGO creation, etc.), post it on Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram with the hashtag #BluthWalkOn, then sit around and twiddle your thumbs for a while until they tell you if you won or not. (Via)

Well, the winners, who will appear in Netflix’s AD revival, have been announced, and clearly, the entire thing was rigged — how else to explain why “I’m a huge squirrel or something” wasn’t picked? The submissions for the fans who did win, however, including a chess set made out of clay and a reference-dropping folk song, can be seen below. Just know that UPROXX is planning on taking AD to court; we suspect foul play, which is the only possible explanation for why Danger’s artwork didn’t win. We’ve hired Barry Zuckerkorn. He’s very good.

(Via Paste)