Miss USA Is An America-Loving, Active-Duty Army Officer

2016 is a year where no matter what we’ll see someone new voted into the office of President of the United States, and it’s safe to say that there is a lot of patriotism in the air. What a time to love America, right? So while America has its hopes and dreams pinned on either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton (or maybe, kind of maybe Bernie Sanders still?), we are still in the business of crowning Miss USA. One that doesn’t make us all shake our heads or wonder why we should care.

Miss D.C. Deshauna Barber is probably the most American pick imaginable for Miss USA. According to BroBible, Barber enlisted in the US Army at the tender age of 17, completing an ROTC program in college. In fact, she still serves. She’s actually a serving officer.

“I have not seen any action overseas. But I have been officially an officer for five years. I’ve been in command at a logistics unit at Fort Meade, Md., for two years now. It’s been amazing — really amazing.”

Her service is a family thing, with her father serving 24 years in the Special Forces before her. So no, she’s not just a pretty face; this Miss USA is in fact quite the ass kicker and patriot in her own right. She’s a real person, too, which comes through when she talks about a recent deployment of one of her best friends via her Instagram.

(Via BroBible)