Obama Will Binge On ‘True Detective’ & ‘Game Of Thrones’ This Weekend, Perhaps The Best Decision Of His Presidency

Say what you will about President Obama, but the man has stellar taste in his television shows. He has mentioned his fondness over The Wire, Homeland, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, and even name dropping Mad Men in his most recent State of The Union. Hell, he must be an UPROXX reader! (If not, he should be.) And now comes word that he’s about to dive in to two other shows we’re unhealthily obsessed with around here: True Detective and Game of Thrones. Via the New York Times,

The leader of the free world is looking forward to binge-watching DVDs of his latest favorite television show: HBO’s edgy new “True Detective” series starring Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson.

Mr. Obama made a point of approaching HBO’s chief executive, Richard Plepler, at the state dinner for France on Tuesday night.

“Where is my True Detective and Game of Thrones?” Mr. Obama asked Mr. Plepler as he told him that the coming weekend would be a good time to have the DVDs.

The President also went on to suggest filming the rest of the Song of Ice and Fire novels back to back so I can watch them all without showering or caring about my personal hygiene for a week. Okay, he didn’t say that, but that would be great.

Back to the subject at hand: I hope Obama has someone to gush over that epic tracking shot in episode 4 with, if he was indeed serious when he asked for the DVDs. Was he?

After his conversation, Mr. Obama waved over one of his aides to make sure that Mr. Plepler knew where to send the DVDs to ensure they would make it through White House security and end up in the president’s hands.

That’s how it’s done. When I was younger, I thought that the White House having a bowling alley would be the best reason to be President, but telling the head of a major network where to send my shows? I think that tops bowling alley 10-fold. He hasn’t seen all of the new episodes, so it’s all new for him. Ugh, is April 6th here yet? Winter isn’t coming, it’s been here since October, and that Groundhog is full of sh*t.

(Via The New York Times, Image via Getty)