Stephen Colbert Only Needs 99 Seconds To Sum Up 99 Days Of Donald Trump

Have you been in a coma throughout the Trump presidency? First of all, no we’re not f*cking with you. Secondly (and more importantly), you might be in need of a refresher to absorb the magnitude of the Bowling Green Massacre and catch up on wire tap chatter. As a public service, Stephen Colbert’s Late Show can get you up to speed on what you’ve missed over the first 99 days of Trump in just 99 seconds. Hope you like golf!

Nestled in the video above is the Late Show‘s bluffer’s guide on all the big talking points from the Trump administration era so far. Frederick Douglass and Trump’s Australian tiff seem like so long ago, don’t they? Naturally, Colbert shared his thoughts on Trump hitting the 100 day milestone on last night’s show. He says there are accomplishments to praise.

“Maybe the president hasn’t gotten a lot done in his first 100 days, but you know who has? America,” said Colbert. “Congratulations, you did it. First of all, we survived a Trump presidency for 100 days. I don’t know about you, but I did not have that in the office pool.”

Catch up on all the things Colbert found worth applauding during the Trump administration with this monologue chunklet. Don’t count on them to be brought up during the president’s century-mark spotlight of a Pennsylvania rally.