Let’s Talk Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘The Flash’ Returns And ‘Agents Of SHIELD’ Ramps Up

[Spoilers for previous seasons ahead.]

The Flash wrapped up its second season with an enormous plot twist: Barry went back in time and saved his mother from being murdered. So, now it’s time for the season three premiere and Barry to reveal how he’s screwed up his life by trying to monkey with the timestream!

The title of the premiere is “Flashpoint,” which refers to a recent DC crossover where the Flash’s actions knock the timestream off kilter and create an alternate reality. The CW’s flashpoint probably won’t be quite so dramatic in its changes, but Cisco is now a billionaire, the whole of the second season hasn’t happened, and we’re assuming there’s more they haven’t told us yet. We’ll find out tonight at 8 p.m. EST.

Meanwhile, over in the 616 in Agents of SHIELD:

Last episode, May had lost her mind, Daisy and Ghost Rider learned they could team up to be a crime-fighting duo, and we met the new director, who’s basically Hymie from Get Smart. This episode focuses on a blackout triggered by Inhumans who understandably are not fans of being forcibly registered by a government organization, and how that both screws up the quest to save May and the less hipstery parts of L.A.

After a slow start over the last few episodes, hopefully Agents Of SHIELD will pick up the pace. The “ghosts” of the show have turned out to be not quite as mystical as advertised, which, while underexplained so far, is a unique angle and has helped integrate Ghost Rider into the universe. Now, they need to follow up. We’ll find out where they take it tonight at 10 p.m. ET.
