TV GIFs of the Week

After being away for a few weeks for various seasonal celebrations (thanks, Jesus and/or Maccabees) and other holidays (thanks, having dreams), the GIF of the Week feature is back. Today, we’ve got animated selections from “Archer,” “Justified,” “30 Rock,” “Parks and Recreation,” and the greatest Lifetime Original Movie ever (bitch).

Yay indeed, Leslie.






This is not a GIF. Lizzy Caplan appeared on “New Girl” last week, but there wasn’t anything worthwhile from the episode. So, instead, here’s a photo of Lizzy hanging out with Alison Brie at the Sundance Film Festival, where they’re pimping their movie together, Save the Date. It’s heaven, particularly when compared to the hell that is…




Bring Back Matt sent us this at 11:58 p.m. He’s clearly gone insane, and we’re reaping all the benefits.



