Watch Arcade Fire’s NBC Concert Special With Zach Galifianakis, Bono

If you quit the season premiere of SNL some time between Weekend Update and “Cinema Classics,” then you not only missed the Glass Blumpkin, but also Arcade Fire‘s wonky, VHS-quality 1 a.m. concept special that was designed to resemble something you might have seen airing after SNL…in 1981. Here Comes the Night Time, directed by Roman Coppola and filmed at Montreal’s Salsatheque, was inspired by the same cheesy glitz and glamor as Boogie Nights, minus the porn and drugs (maybe), but with guests James Franco, Rainn Wilson, Bono, Ben Stiller, Michael Cera, Bill Hader, Zach Galifianakis, Jason Schwartzman, Eric Wareheim, and Aziz Ansari.

Watch the full surreal special, including three new songs, below.