Weekend Preview: 4th of July!

Ordinarily, when a big summer holiday rolls around (Memorial/Independence/Labor Day), I try to find a list of all the TV marathons that networks roll out instead of airing new programming that people aren’t going to watch. Big-ticket holidays also give me a chance to get on a miniature soap box and say something uplifting about how America, despite its warts, is a damn fine place to live and the best country in the world.

But I don’t particularly feel like doing either of those things right now. I’ve got beer to drink, sunshine to soak up, meat to grill, and fireworks to watch. If you insist on watching television this weekend, HBO’s got the season finale of “Treme” on Sunday, along with another new episode of “True Blood.” Other than that, I got nuthin’. Why are you even looking online for TV to watch, anyway? Everyone should just put their swimsuits on, go outside, and work on their tan. Yes, even the fatties.

Have a great weekend. I’ll be back with more TV news and dog Photoshops on Tuesday morning.