Woman’s Face Torn Off by Chimpanzee: The Documentary

There aren’t many things on the Internet that make me ill to look at. Two Girls One Cup was one such thing. Goatse is another. And ranking slightly behind those is an image search of Charla Nash, the woman who famously appeared on “Oprah” after her face was torn off by a chimpanzee. Nash has just signed a deal with NBC’s Peacock Productions to make a documentary of her story this fall.

Nash recently successfully underwent a face transplant, which was documented on the Today show. Her double hand transplant was not successful, and they were removed shortly after.

“We were so pleased to hear that Ms. Nash’s surgery was a success and are honored to produce this documentary with her,” says Sharon Scott, executive vice president and GM, Peacock Productions. “We look forward to sharing her inspirational story of survival.” […]

Nash has worn a veil since the attack, which left her blind and without eyes, nose, lips or hands. Sandra Herold, who owned the chimpanzee who attacked her, has since died. [THR]

Go ahead, Google “Charla Nash.” I know you want to. And when you’re done being horrified by those images, join me in my quest to eradicate chimpanzees from the planet. It’s us or them, man. I saw Planet of the Apes. The Charlton Heston one, I mean. C’mon, nobody saw the Mark Wahlberg remake.