Emma Watson Lays Down A Beat For Lin-Manuel Miranda To Freestyle To

Future EGOT winner Lin-Manuel Miranda has made it his mission in life to freestyle with every cool person in the world. Or maybe it’s the other way around. After all, who wouldn’t have to hang out with the guy who created Broadway sensation Hamilton, who leaves drunken voicemails for Comedy Bang Bang, who raps his acceptance speeches, who hangs out with The Rock?

Last week, it was the goddamn President of the United States of America; today, it’s Emma Watson, the Harry Potter star who’s taking a year off from acting to “read a book a week, and also to read a book a month as part of my book club.” She sat down with Miranda for a long interview to support UN Women’s HeForShe Arts Week, which Entertainment Weekly describes as a “campaign around International Women’s Day that encourages arts and cultural organizations to get involved in the fight for gender equality.”

They’re both very charismatic people who hit it off instantly, and you should watch the whole thing. But the most entertaining moment of the chat occurs when Miranda asks Watson to lay down a beat for him. She’s never beatboxed before and is mortified at the idea of having to do so, which, can you blame her? That’s like Eric Clapton asking someone who’s never picked up a guitar before to play the “Layla” riff. Anyway, enjoy Watson’s embarrassment!

They should take this show on the road as Hamilton Potter. Here’s the full thing:

(via EW)