HBO’s Season 7 Teaser For ‘True Blood’ Reveals The Biggest Death Of Them All

Plenty of poor characters have been lost along the way in the six seasons since HBO brought True Blood into our lives. Some were characters we loved, while others we loathed, but they all died in mostly hilarious ways, and we can never thank them enough for their bad acting and terrible Louisiana dialect. The new teaser trailer for the seventh season of True Blood celebrates some of the biggest character deaths on the show, from beloved grandmother Adele to the show’s most recent victim, Terry Bellefleur.

However, the teaser also reveals us perhaps the biggest death of the show’s run, and while some might think that I’m referring to a spoiler, I think this is actually the best news that HBO could have possibly given us.

Obviously we already knew this was coming, but it’s no fun unless we’re all a little dramatic about it. So take us out the right way, True Blood – with more blood and ridiculous violence than we know what to do with in my Pulitzer-nominated episode recaps. And maybe make Sookie find one nice guy to settle down with so she stops sleeping with every damn supernatural creature that crosses her path. But please, no centaurs.