Helen Mirren Is Horny.

Ha ha ha, I love you, click-baiting headlines. Below you’ll find video of Helen Mirren’s promo clips for this weekend’s “Saturday Night Live.” None of them are particularly funny, but she does at one point pretend to be horny, and the fact that she does it while touching Fred Armisen is further proof that she’s a great actress. Hot damn. Look at her. Sixty-five years old and still got her fastball. She’s the Nolan Ryan of women I want to teach me about sex. (I can’t wait to learn!)

Seriously, can you believe she was born during World War II? Well, kind of. She was born after V-E Day but before V-J Day, and since she’s British, I guess the war was technically over for her family. But I’m not here to argue about the semantics of when World War II ended, I’m just here for Helen Mirren looking like a sexy-ass silver fox.

Heh heh, “V-J Day.”
