Hey You! Check Out The Film Drunk Oscars Open Thread!

As I’m sure you know, tonight is the 84th Academy Awards. While any big, fancy televised awards show is notable from a TV perspective, it’s like the Super Bowl for our Uproxx compadres at Film Drunk. To celebrate, they’re doing a huge, free-for-all open thread over there tonight, where you can discuss any Oscar-related thing your little heart desires. I urge you to check it out. And if you’re looking for a way to kick back and relax during the show, I also urge you to check out the Film Drunk 2012 Oscars Drinking Game. As I look over it again today, there’s a solid 50-60% chance you’ll drink yourself blind by playing along — which, if nothing else, would give you a fun story to tell when people ask why you can’t see. (“I still remember it like it was yesterday. February of Twenty-Twelve. I thought I could handle it. I had it all under control. Then someone gave Sean Penn a microphone and — BAM — the lights went out.”)

Enjoy the Oscars, and we’ll see y’all back here tomorrow morning.