There Was An Explosion At The Boston Marathon’s Finish Line

By now I’m sure you’ve seen the news and probably even the photos from the explosion(s) at the finish line of the Boston Marathon that occurred within the past hour. I’m not trying to be humorous with that banner image or anything, but I didn’t know what else to post, because I accidentally looked at the first photo that was Tweeted after the explosion and I thought, “What happened… wait, what’s the smoke… what’s that red stuff… f*ck.” And I don’t really want to post that image.

Anyway, I had to close out of Twitter for the time being, because the telephone game is horrible and I hate that disasters/terrorist attacks/accidents/whatever have become a race (no pun intended because that would be stupid) for outlets to out-do each other with speculation. People are hurt, some might be dead, and that’s awful, plain and simple. We’ll stay tuned to the news as it all develops and unfolds, and hopefully you and yours are okay.

In the meantime, we’ll have the RAW live chat up in a few minutes. But if you need something to do to pass the time, report these a-holes as spam on Twitter.