So, ‘Sesame Street’ Parodied ‘That Scene’ From ‘When Harry Met Sally’

Hold the phone — we all knew that Sesame Street was having a lot of cheeky fun doing kid-friendly parodies of very grown-up properties, but now they’re taking on the orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally and that is just too far! Granted, it was really a fake orgasm scene, but still! What’s going on here? How am I going to explain this to my hypothetical children?

Oh, wait, it’s just a lesson in patience. It’s a lesson in controlling yourself and waiting your turn… Wait a second, this is not better! This is not better at all!

But for real, it’s actually totally okay. In fact, we should all be really impressed with how well this parody was done by the Sesame Street crew. We should also be really impressed that they attempted this parody at all, considering it’s all about adult relationships and things that little children should really not have to worry about for a very long time. But they made it about cookies, and that’s brilliant. Because everyone understands cookies.

(Via E! News)