Bill Maher Gets Heated On ‘Real Time’ While Defending ‘Talent Free Hack’ Hillary Clinton

You might want to watch your criticism of Hillary Clinton around Bill Maher, he seems to take it pretty rough. Maher got fairly worked up when Andrew Sullivan of The Daily Beast fame decided to refer to Clinton as a “talent free hack” on Friday’s Real Time. It was likely the most I’ve seen Maher get worked up since Ben Affleck was on the show and faced off with the host over Islam.

Maher had some support this time, too, and it has been about a year. Maybe this is just naturally his time to jump onto the anger train.

Elsewhere, Maher was back to being all smiles and attacking the numerous Republicans who have been in the news this week. That includes everybody’s favorite, Donald Trump, and the mess that is happening in Congress right about now. Ted Cruz also gets a little bit of flack from Maher, but he honestly gets off pretty light. So what if Cruz is wearing a bra and panties? It’s his right, dammit.

(Via Real Time)