Watch The Explosive First Clip From ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ And New TV Spots

The first clip from Star Wars: The Force Awakens aired during Sunday night’s American Music Awards to remind us all that Disney owns ABC. Yes, they waited til 26 days before the film’s opening to release the first clip, perhaps because J.J. Abrams hadn’t officially finished the movie until Saturday:

The clip features Rey (Daisy Ridley), Finn (John Boyega), and BB-8 (Benedict Cumberbatch, okay not really, but he’s in everything else) trying to escape the First Order on Jakku. Things go boom, as they tend to do around the First Order.

Disney also dropped two more TV spots (previous TV spots available here, here, here, here, and here). The first spot below features a new bit of voiceover from Lupita Nyong’o, who plays non-human space pirate Maz Kanata, saying, “Dear child. The belonging you seek is not behind you. It is ahead.” Presumably she’s speaking to Rey, who is searching for her family.

The next TV spot is brief, but shows the reoccurrence of Return of the Jedi character Nien Nunb, who is now piloting his own ship. We also get a glimpse of a female pilot who might be played by Jessica Henwick. Star Wars Underworld thinks she’s playing Jessika Pava, a character in the Weapon of a Jedi novel.

Somebody get Benedict Cumberbatch a seatbelt.

(Via /film, Star Wars Underworld, and CBM)