Matt Millen Says What Everyone Already Knew About His Tenure In Detroit

Matt Millen was not a good president for the Detroit Lions. He was not a good CEO for the organization. In fact (and this has been stated multiple times by people much smarter than me), Matt Millen could very well be the worst executive in NFL history. The numbers back that up. In his eight years with the franchise, the team posted the worst record in the “history of the modern NFL” going 31-84. It got so bad in Detroit that fans wore paper bags over their head to games. They even organized a “Millen Man March” in 2005 after he received a contract extension. He is, quite arguably, the most disliked human being in Detroit. The mention of his name in any Motown bar is likely to get you beat up in a back alley. That’s how serious it is.

On Sunday, during the broadcast for the Colts and Bucks, Millen offered this bizarre, half-hearted apology to Lions nation.

Yes, really, and here’s video via SBNation.

A tactical error you say? No sir. A tactical error isn’t eight years of mismanagement. A tactical error doesn’t involve a .270 winning percentage. You were at bad your job, Matt Millen, let’s just leave it at that. Let’s spare Lions fans any further anguish.