This Brawl Between Redskins And Cowboys Fans Appears To End With A Fan Being Stabbed (UPDATE)

Football is a game. It is a sport. It is played on a field with 11 men aside. Some people call it a “war,” and that’s fine. The participants may very well believe they are involved in a battle of some kind. But the fans? No, they’re just there to watch the game, cheer and go home. Unfortunately, that’s not what happens. Some fans are imbeciles and they get drunk and stupid and fight people for no goddamn reason.

On Monday night, a bunch of these hooligans brawled following the Cowboys-Redskins game. One man was reportedly stabbed.

WARNING: The video may be disturbing to some (it should be disturbing to all of us).

According to Fox 5 D.C., the police are aware of the video.

UPDATE: According to PGPD, there was no report of a stabbing at FedEx Field (which doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen).