Amy Schumer Disses A Critic Who Attacked Her Looks And Then Asked Her Out

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As we head into the thick of awards season, Amy Schumer sat down for a Hollywood Reporter roundtable. The comedienne landed a Golden Globe nomination for her role in Trainwreck and will stand up to semi-fierce competition from BFF Jennifer Lawrence (who was nominated for Joy). Much of the lengthy discussion involved writers (including Nick Hornby) discussing how “dumb” the Internet has made people, but I’d counter that the Internet illuminates both the best and worst of humanity. The insults stand out, and trolls believe they rule from within their basement dwellings.

Now, Schumer’s met her fair share of detractors, but she seems fairly well adjusted in the face of all criticism. She still lives in “a one-bedroom walk up,” which means Amy Schumer takes the stairs. Schumer maintains that she tries not to tweet too much because “I’ve gotten a lot of death threats,” which (sad to say) is part of life on the internet. In addition, critics see fit to attack feminine appearance, but Schumer says she expected worse:

The things that you’re afraid they’re going to say are so much worse than anything they actually say. But you’ve already put your nervous system through that fear. With Trainwreck coming out, I was like, “Everyone’s going to say, ‘She’s not pretty enough to be in this movie.'” And then only one dude wrote that, and people really attacked him, and then he redacted that and wanted to date me. I’ve been waiting for this rainstorm of hate, and it’s never really come.”

The fun part of a story like this is figuring out which critic Schumer is calling out. The sleuthy types at E! Online believe Schumer’s talking about Jeffrey Wells, who called Schumer not “conventionally attractive” (among other things) during his Trainwreck review. Wells is also prone to acting like a troll in general, such as when he ambushed Kurt Russell with a gun control discussion during a Hateful Eight interview. The guy’s a real peach.

(Via Hollywood Reporter)