Ben Affleck Shares More Insight On If He’s Game To Direct A ‘Batman’ Movie

Who would have pegged Zack Snyder as the dude that has Ben Affleck taking notes on how to a craft a movie? It sounds like a weird Wizard message board fever dream, but here we are.

Affleck, who is set to play to Batman in Snyder’s upcoming DC cinematic offering Batman v Superman, said some very kind things about the Watchmen helmer while chatting with USA Today. What were the Phantoms thespian and USA Today chatting about? Glad you asked! (Also, thanks for playing along.) Affleck was nudged about the chatter that he might be interested in directing an upcoming Batman motion picture.

“I’ll just say going through the process, I would never have imagined that I could or would direct a movie like this. And in working with (Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder) and seeing what he did and watching him every day, I got really inspired by that and by seeing the scope on which he was telling the story, by seeing what he was able to do with this kind of mythic story on a grand scale.”

It’s not exactly “yes, I’ll be directing a Batman movie and it’ll be out on July 4, 2017″ or anything like that, but it is the sort of response that lends hope that Affleck could direct a Caped Crusader movie. (Or possibly dread if you’re worried about Zack Snyder’s influence on that potential project.)

2016 offers up a double dose of Affleck as Batman in front of the camera. Batman v Superman will arrive in multiplexes near you on March 25 and we’ll get another glimpse of Batfleck when Suicide Squad debuts on August 5.
