Jay Z & Others Will Perform At The Global Citizen Festival In NYC This September

In the last 15 years, we have seen the most successful anti-poverty push in history. Thanks to this global effort, we now have the opportunity to end extreme poverty by 2030.Join us to ensure that all the world’s children and young people survive and thrive. By taking action as a Global Citizen, together we can secure commitments to affect the lives of 50 million people on vaccines, education, sanitation and more.

How do I win tickets?

You earn points for taking action on Global Citizen. Each action yields a certain number of points – denoted by red plus signs across the site. You must have 8 points to enter to win tickets to the Global Citizen Festival. We’ll have five draws over the summer, and you can enter up to six times. You can enter the draw here – but remember you need eight points. Full terms and conditions here.
via Globalcitizen.org/festival

You can try to win free tickets or buy tickets on Ticketmaster. The concert will take place in Central Park, September 27th.