This New App Gets Businesses To Give Free Stuff To Instagram Celebrities


Do you have an Instagram account with a huge following? If not, you may want to sit yourself down, download the app, and start collecting those likes like your life depended on it. Why? Because it’s now actually better than having a traditional job. Not only will you be able to bask in the glow your fans bestow upon you, but businesses will fall all over themselves trying to give you free stuff. Now there’s even an app that will make the “free stuff for models and social media celebs” pipeline even more seamless. Meet Into, a new way to transform your social media presence into a free lunch, a free dinner, and even free alcohol.

Here’s how the app works, according to Eater:

By signing up for the app, businesses essentially trade goods and/or services — and pay a $49 monthly fee — for social media shoutouts from major influencers…Besides restaurants and bars offering, say, a free burger or a free meal of up to $25, users can also snag free personal training sessions, haircuts, hotel stays, and more. The “unwritten rule” is that the influencers will then promote the business on their social media accounts, with the hope that their followers will, well, follow.

So, it’s not really a free lunch (that’s still not a thing), but if all you need to do is let everyone know that you love Diet Coke in order to get an entire crate of it delivered to your home, it’s a pretty small price to pay. The app’s available for download, but anyone hoping to get one of those free haircuts or hotel stays has to have a minimum number of followers and agency representation. The app’s current user base — which is approximately 600 — is made up of verified internet celebrities.

Into’s currently only available in Sydney, Munich, and Melbourne, but considering the global influence that Instagram celebrities have, it’s pretty likely you’ll be seeing it rolled out across the world. That means that by the time you’ve got (at least) 10,000 followers, the app, or something like it, will be coming to your town. Let’s just hope that Taco Bell is included in the offerings by the time it hits our shores.