The Bronx Zoo Is Offering Up A Grossly Unique Valentine’s Day Gift

The Bronx Zoo has a pretty fun Valentine’s Tradition in which they’ll allow you to name a Madagascar hissing cockroach after your loved ones, or, you know… ones you’re less inclined to say anything nice about, but still want for them to know you’re holding ill will towards them. If you’ve got $10 to spare, the Zoo will let you name one of their thousands of unnamed roaches and then send you, or your most-/least-beloved honoree a nice digital certificate to frame above their mantle of love and/or hatred:

This Valentine’s Day, let your special someone know your love is eternal. Name one of the Bronx Zoo’s Madagascar hissing cockroaches for your sweetie. Tens of thousands of roaches remain nameless and would make a great symbol of your love. For $10, we’ll send your loved one a digital certificate to cherish for years to come, featuring the name of your Valentine’s roach.

If $10 and a digital certificate doesn’t feel like a kind enough gesture to you, you can step your donation up to $25 and they’ll send you the digital certificate and some nice chocolates from Brooklyn’s own Nunu Chocolate company.

Nothing spells out your burning love for your special Valentine quite like chocolates and roaches!

Via Bronx Zoo