TV GIFs Of The Week (And The Best Of ‘Twin Peaks’)

Twenty years ago this week, David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, a cinematic prequel to the TV show of the same name that makes no sense yet makes perfect sense, opened to predominantly disastrous reviews and an audience reaction that can summed up as, “Guh?” But hey, at least David Bowie’s in it.

Time has been on the film’s side, as a recent Grantland piece points out, and although it doesn’t measure up to the supernatural soap opera that it came from, it’s still a good movie with one amazing scene at the Bang Bang Bar. Besides, very few thing in life are as awe-inspiring as Twin Peaks (well, the first season and final episode of Twin Peaks), one of the weirdest, drollest, sexiest, scariest, and quote-filled shows to air on TV, on ABC, no less. Today’s GIFs of the Week is dedicated to Agent Cooper, Double-R Diner, and the rest of the Twin Peaks gang for leading us to a place that is both wonderful and strange.


True Blood had its season finale last Sunday, so I won’t be able to post Jessica GIFs for awhile. That’s a shame, so here’s one, not from the season finale. (Via)

And another. (Via)

Lolz. (Via)


















