Police Investigate Multiple Shootings And A Stabbing At A Denver Motorcycle Rally

Authorities are on the scene at the Denver Coliseum (part of the National Western Stockshow complex), which was the site of multiple shootings and one stabbing on Saturday afternoon. The violence reportedly took place during a statewide motorcycle expo and rally, and different figures are flowing forth from news outlets. 9 News in Denver reports how nine people were taken to hospitals after multiple shots were fired. At least one person was killed by gunfire and one stabbed. A number of other injuries occurred, although details are scarce.

The Denver Post reports an account from a witness, “who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation.” This person attributes the mayhem to a feud between warring biker bangs. Police cleared the coliseum after shutting down the show, but “many appear angry and want to go back inside.”

Brendaliss Gonzalez of Denver 7 News tweeted this picture of attending bikers outside the coliseum.

This photo from inside the event shows bikers helping one of the wounded.

The Denver Police Department tweeted photos from the scene.

Gonzalez added several more of her own pictures, which showed one person being handcuffed and loaded into an ambulance. This man may or may not be a suspect in today’s violence.

(Via 9 News In Denver & Denver Post)