Let’s Liveblog Wednesday’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Expands The Hero Roster

Ollie’s illegitimate son has been kidnapped by Damien Darhk, and Ollie, to his credit, is trying to save him. But fighting magic users is a bit above Ollie’s pay grade as a rule, so it’s time to bring in a ringer. Or Vixen, in this case.

Picking up on a relatively obscure DC character may seem a little weird, but the CW has been running a Vixen cartoon on CW Seed, which was apparently popular enough to bring her voice actress over to play her on camera. Also, Barry totally blew the effects budget yesterday with his talking shark, so Ollie needs to cut back a little bit.

Joking aside, Vixen’s an interesting choice for an Arrow player, as she can assume the abilities of any animal. One hopes, if this goes well, that she sticks around for a while. As for the fact that Ollie hid his Jon Snow from Felicity, the show’s executive producer posted a rather large spoiler proving she gets over it. That said, we’ve still got money riding on little William not making it to his teenage years, although considering the hints Legends of Tomorrow is dropping, even if he does make it to puberty, he probably won’t be in Starling. We’ll find out tonight at 8 p.m. EST on the CW. Join us, won’t you?