‘Jurassic Park’ Without Any Dinosaurs Is Still A Surprisingly Entertaining Video

Video editor William Hirsch has — much like life also does — found a way to remove all those pesky real life problems from Jurassic Park, simply by removing the dinosaurs and renaming it “Park.”

Welcome, to Park.

We have such beautiful attractions as:

Jeep w/ Logo
Jeff Goldblum


Not going to lie, if you tried to sell us park tickets to go see Jeff Goldblum in a field, we’d be down. That sounds glorious. Especially if he’s going to be laughing at some point.

Anyway, Hirsch also provided a VFX breakdown video for how he took the whole herd of dinosaurs out of the picture, leaving only Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and Dr. Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) having their minds positively blown by a pastoral field and placid lake. I’ll admit I was half hoping for a surprise melodica score to break the tension at the end, but the video is good enough without borrowing jokes. Silly fan remixes like this are totally my anti-drug (yet ironically much funnier if you’re high).

(Via Laughing Squid)