Disney Spelled Mark Hamill’s Name Wrong On A Recent Visit, Proving Fame Doesn’t Let You Escape Typos

My name is Jason, so I’ve regularly been called “Justin” for my entire, conscious life. It’s okay though, because every Justin I know has been called Jason. I’m not satisfied by the fact that Jasons and Justins are consistently mixed up, it’s not schadenfreude, it’s just the way the world works. People make mistakes. Who am I to get upset at a mistake? But when you’re a high-level guest at a company that’s currently deep in production on a film predicated on your work, your name and your face/voice/existence, then a name screw-up is just plain funny, and it must be acknowledged for all of the world to see.

While on a trip to visit someone with a name starting with “R”(Star Wars: Episode VIII director Rian Johnson, perhaps?), Mark Hamill, the famous Luke Skywalker and supposed major player in the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VIII, was dubbed “Mark Hamilton” by Disney security seemingly willing to give a pass to someone that only worked on one Star Wars movie – Episode 2. That’s right, Mark Hamilton is a digital effects artist who has worked for Lucas’ Industrial Light and Magic, and is tied to the Star Wars pantheon, but much less so than this Mark Hamill guy.

So, despite the level of fame that would make everyone but Harrison Ford blush, it’s important to remember that no one can escape a typo. This is what Yoda taught Luke in an Episode V deleted scene, I’m sure.