This Modern Trailer For The Original ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy Will Make You Want It Back In Theaters Now

Oh. My. God. Behold, Star Wars geeks and everyone else, the coolest thing you will ever see.

Hyperbole? Maybe a little. But I dare you to watch this mashup trailer for the original trilogy and not want to run through a wall like a wookie warrior who just drank two cases of Red Bull. It really is that good.

Seems a Thailand-based film editor named Medley Weaver, who specializes in greatest hits/highlight reels such as this one, cobbled together clips and sound from A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, set the whole thing to some powerful music cues and unleashed it upon YouTube, the planet and the entire universe. The result is a pulse-pounding, three-minute tour through the original Star Wars canon designed especially to get casual fans excited and hardcore fans in a complete lather.

The badassery begins with Obi-Wan giving his tutorial in all things Jedi to Luke as he first learns how to handle a lightsaber. From there, we careen across all three films, meeting Han, Chewie, Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, the first Death Star and everything in between. It’s a Star Wars tour-de-force, all culminating in Luke being reminded by Obi-Wan’s soothing voice that the Force will be with him, always.

Honestly, I don’t see how anyone could watch this thing and not immediately try to figure out how to watch all three movies as soon as humanly possible. Give Weaver’s masterpiece a look and you’ll surely agree.

(via Tastefully Offensive)