Ranking American Ninja Warriors Biggest Wipeouts

One could argue that we watch American Ninja Warrior to witness truly amazing feats of human strength, but let’s be honest, we’re mostly watching it for the epic wipeouts. American Ninja Warrior has provided audiences with some of the most painful wipeouts in television history and season eight has added even more fail contenders with four new obstacles, including the Floating Steps, Tic Toc, Escalator, Ring Jump, and an even higher Warped Wall.

So far, only two competitors — a rock-climber named Isaac Caldiero and Geoff Britten — have defeated the dreaded ANW course and achieved “Total Victory.” The rest of the contestants on American Ninja Warrior? Well, they pretty much did stuff like this.

Adding Insult To Injury

Not only is the “Log Grip” one of the most challenging ANW obstacles, but it’s also the easiest ways to lose your head… in a literal sense.

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Sprinting across the “Halfpipe” is only half the battle. Actually reaching the rope is a major accomplishment.

It’s A Trap-eze!

The “Trapeze Swing” is the perfect obstacle for any ANW contestant looking to take a relaxing, evening dip.

And Boom Goes The Dynamite

The “Walking Bar” takes no prisoners and it’s clearly a long and painful fall from the top.

Quintuple Steps… You’re Doing It Wrong

If you’re going to fail at the “Quintuple Steps,” you might as well do it on the very first step and get it over with. The sad thing is, this is how most viewers would wind up if they tried the ANW course.

When You Can’t Hang With The “Jump Hang”

Can a dude get some stickum? The Jump Hang is virtually guaranteed to snap off your fingers if you aren’t Spider-Man or incredibly lucky.

Third Fall’s A Charm

And he does not stick the landing. He was so close to becoming the lord of the “Ring Toss,” though. Condolences to his lower back and neck.

Captain Tornado’s Wipeout Whirlwind

Few men or women have survived the dreaded “Sextuple Steps” and SNL‘s Bobby Moynihan is no different. Pretty sure Captain Tornado’s secret identity is Drunk Uncle after watching that wipeout.