IMAX Pays Tribute To Some Hit Films In This New Ad Shot Entirely In The Format

Whether we like it or not, the movies continue to shift toward a period in which massive-scale, big-budget popcorn-y fare rules. There’s a reason why movies like Captain America: Civil War and Deadpool and The Jungle Book rule the box office while smaller, high-quality stuff like The Nice Guys and Hail Caesar! come and go quietly.

And that’s OK! Captain America: Civil War was great and both Deadpool and The Jungle Book earned very solid Rotten Tomatoes scores. And while bigger certainly doesn’t always mean better (hello, Batman v Superman), it’s more than fair to both acknowledge and accept the direction in which the movie industry seems to be headed.

Perhaps that’s why IMAX unveiled a brand new ad campaign dedicated to the beauty of the big, spearheaded by the first commercial ever to be filmed in the large-screen format. The result is an original ode to the grandeur of IMAX through all new content as opposed to pulling footage from previously released material.

The characters in the one-minute spot speak directly to the audience, which director Ash Boliand says makes the whole thing feel more intimate despite the enormous scale in a behind-the-scenes video that accompanied the commercial. And it works. I’m not sure this is going to make me go out and drop money on Independence Day: Resurgence in IMAX. But it definitely provides a fresh perspective on the current state of the movies.

(via Mashable)