Samantha Bee Perfectly Sums Up The Relationship Between Putin And Trump On ‘Full Frontal’

In her follow up to the Democratic National Convention, Samantha Bee seems relieved to have survived her road trip to Cleveland and Pennsylvania. Her first post-Daily Show coverage was hampered by her once a week broadcast, but she made up for it with plenty of brutal honesty. It’s very similar to John Oliver, except Bee can’t lean heavily on the F-word thanks to the network censors. It doesn’t mean she’s avoiding it, there just isn’t an open door to let it fly.

But this week’s episode begins with celebration around Hillary Clinton’s historic nomination with the Democratic Party, the less than favorable reaction from her opponents, and the dire stakes that seem to be overshadowing this election — at least in the eyes of most of the media. She counters this doom and gloom with a look at the overt patriotism of the DNC, the positive “middle finger” to the Republican platform, and the cavalcade of speakers from nearly every background and ethnicity.

It all leads to Bee summing up the convention as everybody saying “vote for Hillary if you want to live” while still possibly losing to the “least qualified candidate to ever lurch into the public spotlight and sh*t on Gold Star moms while cradling Putin’s sweaty sack.” That’s a quote that should follow Trump around like a stink cloud at this point.

The Full Frontal crew also takes a moment to hit the streets and listen to the loud dissonance coming from the “Bernie or Bust” movement at the convention. It’s not pretty, especially when highlighting the angriest and most stubborn of the group. But it does highlight the opposition that was at the convention, something that only filtered through on television when it made its way under the DNC’s radar.

(Via Full Frontal)