Bulls Fan Creates A United Center Replica Beer Pong Table

Every fan finds a different way to support their team. For this particular Chicago Bulls fan (Reddit user jsid2), that meant crafting a replica of the United Center to use as a beer pong table. Apparently, between all of the work, the fan spent around $250 ($45 alone on sealant) on this, which included decals and logos from the 1997 NBA Finals. That year, the Bulls won the title on their home floor when Steve Kerr hit the game-winner — the fan’s favorite player. He even found the sideline font, sized it up and then carefully glued them on at the ends.

The only way this gets any better is if the fan turns off the lights before every game and plays “Sirius” from The Alan Parsons Project. I’d be legitimately shook if I had next.

via Reddit

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