For The First Time In 9 Years, Pau Gasol Shaves His Beard

After losing a bet with his brother Marc Gasol, Lakers’ center Pau Gasol shaved his facial hair for the first time in nine years in an effort to raise awareness of childhood obesity through the Gasol Foundation.

This summer the brothers made a bet whereby each Gasol brother had a team of children they were trying to keep active and healthy. The bet is called The Healthy Competition (that link might not work since the site crashed after the influx of traffic), and each child was given a Nike Fuel Band to track how active they were during the length of the competition.

Whichever group of kids burned the most number of calories would win, with the loser’s coach shaving their beard. Marc’s Memphis team barely beat Pau’s L.A. squad. So now Pau has a baby face for the first time since he was back in Memphis during the 2004 season.

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