Allen Iverson Finally Joins Instagram; Fans’ Prayers “Answered”

For the longest time, NBA players had arms unadorned by the garish green ink of the tattoo needle (note: we have a few tattoos); for the longest time, players kept their hair at military length; for the longest time, Allen Iverson didn’t have an official Instagram account. That last point changed today, and the others changed over the course of AI’s trendsetting career.

Earlier this evening, Iverson posted his very first pic to Instagram with the caption:

“1996 was a great year! My dreams began to unfold! #Blessed #PhillyLoveForever #FromAIWithLove”


That’s Iverson before the cornrows, before both forearms were covered in sleeve tattoos (not to mention his neck and most of the rest of his body), before the scoring titles and that amazing 2001 run to the Finals. Before all that, it was just a cherub-faced AI, happy to have finally fulfilled his dream of playing in the NBA.

Now he’s fulfilled the dreams of a million Iverson fanboys that want some AI wisdom, some AI art, and just more of AI on his new Instagram account. We hope he keeps updating.

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