‘Jersey Shore’ Cast Can’t Drink on Camera, Forced to Be Boring

The “Jersey Shore” cast is scheduled to arrive in Italy on May 9th, and the mayor of Florence has done everything he can to inhibit the cast short of passing anti-tan legislation. Mayor Matteo Renzi reportedly placed the following limitations on the show’s producers:

* No shooting in bars, clubs or any place that promotes the reckless consumption of alcohol.

* The cast is prohibited from drinking in public on camera.

* Florence may not be portrayed as a drinking town.

* And the cast must interact with authentic Italian people in authentic cultural settings — thus avoiding the city’s hordes of tourists and students. [NY Post]

Hmmm… authentic Italians in authentic cultural settings, eh? Sounds to me like they’re going to spend a lot of time at the pizza parlor. “Ay! La Situazione! Vincenzo! And Miss Jennifer, bellissima like always! (*double kiss and five-second grope*) Why you no visit last week? You break-a mi mamma’s heart! She worry sick about you! Come, come. I make-a you perfect pizza pie. Ah, but no vino! We no wan’ people think Italians drink too much, no?”