What’s on Tonight: Chocolate Birds!

Saving Pelican 895 (HBO) — A documentary about the effort that went into cleaning a brown pelican from the BP oil spill and the attempt to re-introduce it to the wild. Why do I get the feeling this is gonna be super depressing?

Happy Endings (ABC) — Back-to-back episodes play at 10 Eastern. There’s a lot of potential for this show — the cast works well together, and I thoroughly enjoyed the pilot last week. The second episode, however, immediately fell into rote sitcom clichés. I guess I’ll hope for the best.

Ghost Hunters (Syfy) — Season 7 finale. Seven f*cking seasons this has been on the air. ZERO GHOSTS. This is the Matt Millen of reality shows.

American Idol (Fox) — Contestants sing songs from the 21st century. Such difficult constraints. I don’t know how they do it every week.

Justified (FX) — For weeks on end, I repeatedly said that I would eventually not include “Justified” in the listings to mix things up. And so I finally did it last week, and people predictably freaked out. Listen, people. I’m just trying to get through my workday here. There’s no science to this. And most importantly, the exclusion of a show from “What’s on Tonight” does NOT have the power to preclude a show from airing. Otherwise I’d never mention “American Idol.”

[AP Photo via The Big Picture]