Who Gave Soulja Boy $55 Million For A Private Jet?

Mr. “Pretty Boy Swag” himself just turned 21, so he decided to treat himself to something nice, you guys!

Reports TMZ:

A member of Soulja’s management team tells us … the kid bought himself a G5 jet as a birthday present to himself this week.

The jet cost $35 mil … but that’s just the beginning. We’re told the birthday boy is dropping an additional $20 million to pimp out his ride with all sorts of cool stuff … like 12 custom Italian leather seats, flat screen TVs, 4 liquor bars, a special travertine tiled floor, and Brazilian hardwood cabinets.

We’re told S.B. is also gutting the in-flight lavatory — and replacing it with a giant, LUXURIOUS bathroom. Oh, he’s also giving the jet a custom paint job … to include his logo.

Whichever member of Soulja Boy’s management team leaked this info to TMZ should have done him a favor and forced the brat to sit down and watch the MC Hammer True Hollywood Story. Kid will be having to change his name to “Soldja Boy” by the time he’s 23 at this rate.

How the hell does he have that kind of cash anyway? I had no idea so many people were buying his “music.” (Though I have to admit…”Blowing Me Kisses” is a catchy little diddy of his that I enjoy from time to time. So sue me.) As Gawker’s Hamilton Nolan points out, “Forbes estimated Soulja Boy’s income in 2010 at $6 million. If you generously estimate that he made, say, $20 million off his first big sh*tty ringtone-type song in 2007, still, his follow-up albums have not done all that spectacularly, so $55 million is a pretty big nut to make, unless we’re talking about one of those ‘rent to own’ deals.”

And I can’t wait to hear what Ice-T thinks about this Soulja’s Silly Boy Swag…