Bryan Cranston Shared Video Evidence Of His Comic-Con Heisenberg Disguise On Letterman

Bryan Cranston dropped by Letterman last night because he has some big thing coming up that I can’t place at the moment, and of course the topic of him strolling around the Comic-Con floor in a Heisenberg mask unbeknownst to fans came up. And now there’s video evidence of a bunch of people experiencing the encounter of a lifetime that they wouldn’t realize they had just experienced till much much later. Oh man do I wish I had been one of those lucky duped nerds.

Here’s Cranston sharing clips and telling Dave how the whole thing went down in the most likable way humanly imaginable (because he’s Bryan Cranston).

“If that was really Bryan Cranston wouldn’t that be hilarious.” – Guy who unknowingly gained Bryan Cranston’s respect.

Most of all I think I just really appreciated him going full Comic-Con and taking photos with strangers with that level of enthusiasm. At SDCC you gotta sell that you want to be a grown man in costume actively taking pictures with others or those cosplayers will sniff you out. Man that guy can act.

Here’s a fun added bonus story about teenage girls having no idea who he is (get it together teenage girls).