About That Time People Thought Bryan Cranston Might Have Killed A Guy In Daytona

There’s an outtake over at GQ today from UPROXX interview subject Brett Martin’s excellent profile of Bryan Cranston, which I figure I should bring to your attention because it turns out the Breaking Bad star was once kinda sorta suspected of killing someone.

See, there was this guy named Peter Wong who worked in the kitchen of a place in Daytona where Cranston used to hang out. And everybody hated him. A lot. So much so, in fact, that Cranston and his brother would sit around and fantasize out loud about various ways to kill ol’ Peter. And then Peter actually got murdered. This is where we pick up the story.

Indeed, not long after the Cranstons had departed, the “diminutive Oriental,” as the Daytona Beach Evening News had it, was found in the trunk of his car. A suspect was soon arrested, but police attention briefly lingered on the two motorcycle-riding brothers heard plotting his death before leaving town. “You know, they asked, ‘Who didn’t like Peter Wong that’s no longer around?’ ‘Well, there were those Cranston Boys….’ But we were already up in North Carolina or Virginia by then.” [GQ]

If you were able to read “‘Well, there were those Cranston Boys….’ But we were already up in North Carolina or Virginia by then” without immediately picturing Bryan Cranston and his brother as Bo and Luke Duke — speeding north up the East Coast to stay one step ahead of Johnny Law — then you probably need to have your pop culture settings recalibrated a little. Allow me to help.