News from the U.S.S. Corgi

There are a couple little TV news snippets lingering around today, and I didn’t find any of them as interesting as Charlie the corgi floating in the pool (flickr via mattstopera).

‘Community’ Season 3 started production today. Cast and crew came back to work under this excellent banner. (via @joelmchale)

A ‘Scanners’ TV show? Dimension Films is developing David Cronenberg’s 1981 cult classic for TV. [Deadline]

Finally, Tulsa makes history. A set of cups made from rhinocerous horn featured on “Antiques Roadshow” were appraised at $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 — a new record for the show. [KTUL]

Prepare to complain. Several Uproxx sites — including Warming Glow — will get a makeover tonight. As with most layout changes, there are some things to like and some things not to like, but for the most part the changes are intended to improve the user experience. In the end, this is still gonna be the same website, but if you’re super-pissed off about it, please send constructive hate mail to