Rory McIlroy is Just Like Tiger Woods, We Swear

As I watched Rory McIlroy treat the U.S. Open like a disobedient orphan over the weekend, I thought two things:

1. Rory McIlroy is extremely great at golf, and
2. He sorta looks like every child star does when they’ve stopped being cute and turned 20 and nobody wants them anymore.

So it makes sense that McIlroy would have a child star past, seen here as a bad ass little 9-year old chipping golf balls into a washing machine on “The Kelly Show”. The host, Gerry Kelly, even one-ups sports blogs by about twelve years with his finishing quote: “The Americans have Tiger Woods. We have young Rory and, believe you me, this boy can hit a ball.” And here I was thinking he was the daughter on “Gilmore Girls”.

Compare and contrast this to Tiger on the Mike Douglas Show at age two, where he was cuter and 1000% more like Webster. Tiger didn’t need three tries to pull off his trick, but, uh, I guess he had other faults.

[h/t Sportress of Blogitude]