Yao Ming Hatched From Basketball Egg, Flew to U.S. on Rocket Scooter

Taiwain’s storied Next Media Animation has commemorated the retirement of Yao Ming by putting together a short film about his life and career, as interpreted by a person on so many drugs their brain is about to explode. I love these things and never miss a chance to post them (with my favorites being Gay Softball League Can Continue To Discriminate? and Leslie Knope being possessed by the spirits of Wamapoke ancestors) but this one might be the best yet. Besides the highlights mentioned in the title, Ming rides a shark through a sea of rose petals and we find out the amazing way a Taiwanese lady says “Charles Barkley”.

See for yourself:

A more subtle highlight is hilarious little animated David Stern. He looks like he should be getting jumped on by Mario. Also sort of funny is the outro, which features a little bit of English, because the people that make these are totally on to us.

[h/t The Last Angry Fan]