Nightmare Fuel: Never Go Zorbing

WARNING: This clip may or may not be of a fatal accident. A commenter on Reddit referred to it as such, but that comment hasn’t been verified, and really all the video shows is the impending terror at the end of a really, really bad idea. It could be an AT&T commercial, because The Internet. So, viewer discretion, just in case.

If you’ve never gone Zorbing, it’s basically getting inside of a giant hamster ball and having people roll you downhill. It’s like the extreme sports equivalent of Beavis and Butthead rolling around in a junkyard tire. It’s harmless, too … unless you’re Zorbing just to the right of a f**king mountain cliffside. That, I guess, is Russian Zorbing.

As you can see, the idea is to roll from point A to point B while your friends tape it and chuckle. Something goes wrong at the bottom, and the guy in the Zorb keeps drifting left, and PLUMMETS DOWN THE MOUNTAIN. I wouldn’t post this if it was a clear-cut video of somebody dying, but: a) if your friend died and you taped it, why would you upload it to YouTube? And b) there’s a pretty dramatic cut between when he initially rolls the wrong way, and when the camera “catches up” and sees him bouncing down.

So who knows? Right now my call is “exaggerated YouTube thing” with nightmare rights reserved. Just … try not to ever go Zorbing, okay?

[h/t to The Daily What]