Saturday Night Live Compared Kim Jong Un and Dennis Rodman To Winnie The Pooh And Tigger

“Let’s go, black giant!”

Warming Glow’s SNL recap included a clip of Jay Pharoah and Bobby Moynihan doing Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong-un (respectively, in the most unnecessary use of “respectively” ever) on Weekend Update. All they said was that they missed the weird, 90s Rodman that wore spaceship sunglasses and stuck his tongue into things. Hopefully they’ll have a similar reaction 10 years from now when somebody’s doing a Bobby Moynihan impression, so they can say, “I miss this Bobby Moynihan” and share a GIF of him pantslessly eating from a honey pot.

I’m way happier with Jay Pharoah playing all the black athletes than Kenan Thompson doing it, because at least he puts some effort into it, whether we need a 100% accurate impression or not. It’s a hell of a lot better than Kenan playing everybody with his Pierre Escargot voice. “I AM DENNIS RODMAN, THE WORM” and then he just looks at the camera.

Anyway, here’s the clip, if you missed it:

Somebody needs to remake Breakfast At Tiffany’s and cast Bobby as an Asian landlord, because that is totally a thing that is okay.