The Fernando Tatis Art Gallery Is Amazing

Former Major Leaguer Fernando Tatis is quietly one of the best follows on Twitter. While a lot of baseball writers and fans in general – perhaps 2,797 of them – are familiar with his quirky Twitter habits, like his harmless trash-talking at Chan Ho Park that some people took a little too seriously, many people are missing out on Fernando’s new career as an MS Paint artist. Eat your heart out, Danger Guerrero.

As I’d seen his incredible work before, Fernando’s art was nothing new to me, but I was reminded of the combination of his exceptional talent and kind-hearted nature yesterday, when he had this pleasant exchange with a fan…

The result of that fan-commissioned art is simply magnificent, and my only valid art critique is MORE! MORE ART, FERNANDO! Fill the Louvre with these masterpieces, you glorious bastard!