A New Mexico Addiction Clinic Is Offering Two ‘Breaking Bad’ Rehab Scholarships This Fall

Breaking Bad is a very good thing. (The best thing, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.) Addiction is a very, very bad thing. So, in an effort to use that good that good thing to raise awareness of that bad thing, an Albuquerque addiction clinic is offering two Breaking Bad “scholarships” for a program this fall.

The Sage Neuroscience Center is giving away two scholarships to their aptly named “Breaking Addiction” program to addicts who can’t afford the rehab center. The New Mexico clinic is partnering with HealthShire.com to offer two slots in the fall Intensive Outpatient Program in honor of the show’s final season.

Julian Sutter, who works for HealthShire, told KRQE: ”To be able to tie it on to something people talk about on a regular basis, ‘Oh, did you see Breaking Bad?’ It creates a neutral platform to talk about the topic.” [Time]

And here’s a little more information from the Healthshire website:

We would like to honor the end of Breaking Bad with bringing awareness to mental health and addictions treatment in our community. HealthShire is partnering with Sage Neuroscience Center to give two scholarships for addictions treatment in Albuquerque, NM. This Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a 12-week addictions treatment program that focuses on building the tools and acquiring the skills required to break addiction and begin the journey to recovery.

Applicants have to submit their story of addiction by September 22 to be eligible. These stories will then be collected and posted online (anonymously), and two winners will be selected sometime around the date of the show’s series finale at the end of the month.

This appears to be a wonderful idea. I’m going to enter Jesse Pinkman. I’m so worried about him.